Weekly Research Updates! - October 27, 2023
- Ciitizen
- We have officially launched!
- Link: https://www.ciitizen.com/rarenetwork/?utm_source=TBRS+Community&utm_medium=Advocacy&utm_campaign=Recruitment&utm_content=RPN
- Patient Registry 2.0 – info on changes being made to the Registry
- we are planning to include other DNMT3A variants
- We are also getting feedback from those who have gone thru the Registry data to figure out what changes would be helpful for researchers!
- Regional Coordinators program and Patient Advisory Committee
- Please message me if you are interested in any of these opportunities ([email protected])
- We are looking for cardiac and psychiatric specialists to join our Collaborative Research Network
- Social media posts about research coming (like talking to researchers and recording those questions)
- We are meeting with COMBINEDBrain to get information on all of the TBRS samples available in the Biorepository
- Research Roundtable 3 will be happening soon!
- We will provide updates on this as they come!
Thanks everyone!
Kit Church, Research Coordinator