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Join The TBRS Community Patient Registry. New deadline for exclusive “Coffee with Kate” ticket!

We are excited to announce that we have launched the TBRS Community Patient Registry. The Registry is a series of surveys that ask about the quality of life, health, and developmental history of people diagnosed with TBRS. It is an invaluable tool to help us further our understanding of TBRS and advance research so we can move toward identifying treatments, improving medical care, and formulating educational supports. Our new goal is to have at least 100 registry participants by February 28, 2022. If you complete all of the surveys before February 28, 2022, you will receive an exclusive invitation to “Coffee with Kate.” This is a virtual meeting with Dr. Kate Tatton-Brown, to be held in March via Zoom. Participants can submit questions prior to the event, which Dr. Tatton-Brown will then cover in her talk.
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to do two amazing things at once – support TBRS research and meet with the world’s foremost authority on TBRS, Dr. Tatton-Brown.
When you complete the TBRS Community Patient Registry, you will receive a $25 Amazon gift card as our thanks to you.

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