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Timmy was born six weeks early weighing 8 lbs 3 oz. There were no problems at birth and he went home a little jaundiced. At his six-week check-up Timmy was diagnosed with torticollis, which caused one side of his head to be flat. Timmy also had one foot that turned in, but they related that to the torticollis and he received physical therapy to stretch those muscles.
Timmy started walking and talking at 2 years. The neurologists diagnosed him with multiple conditions, starting with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD). Then came ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), sensory processing disorder (SPD), and at around eight years old he was diagnosed with autism
At about 13 he was given a genetic test for Marfan Syndrome. The genetics test came back with a diagnosis of TBRS.
Timmy is now 17 years old and 6’3″. He is always happy, very social, and has a great sense of humor. He enjoys meeting people who are taller than him and he likes to dance and be the center of attention. He loves basketball, football, and baseball. He participates in Special Olympics.
Written by his mother Cheri.